

A guy makes a rolling stop at a stop sign, and gets pulled over by a local policeman. The guy hands the cop his driver's license, insurance verification, plus his concealed carry permit. "Okay, Mr. Smith," the cop says, "I see your CCW permit. Are you carrying today?" "Yes, I am." "Well then, better tell me what you got." Smith says, "Well, I got a .357 revolver in my inside coat pocket. There's a 9mm semi-auto in the glove box. And, I've got a .22 magnum derringer in my right boot." "Okay," the cop says. "Anything else?" "Yeah, back in the trunk, there's an AR15 and a shotgun. That's about it." "Mr. Smith, are you on your way to or from a gun range...?" "Nope." "Well then, what are you afraid of....?" "Not a fuckin thing..."
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