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Phone Jokes

Q. What do you get when you cross a telephone with a pair of pants? A. Bell-bottoms! Q. How is a telephone like a dirty bathtub? A. They both have rings! Q. What happened to the little frog who sat on the telephone? A. He grew up to be a bellhop! Q. What do you get if you cross a telephone with an iron? A. A smooth operator! Q. What do you call a large person who constantly calls up people, pretending to be somebody else? A. A big phone-y! Q. Why didn't the skeleton need a telephone? A. He had no body to talk with! Q. How does a cheerleader answer the phone? A. H-E-L-L-O! Q. What do you get if you cross a phone with a pair of glasses? A. A television. Q. What is the cheapest time to call your friends long distance? A. When they're not home! Q. How does Ebenezer Scrooge make phone calls? A. Collect! Q. What do you get if you cross a phone with a birthday celebration? A. A party line! Q. How does a barber make phone calls? A. He cuts them short. Q. Why didn't the mummy want a telephone? A. He always got too wrapped up in his calls!
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