
The German

A couple were walking their dog along the beach, the dog was having a great time running into the sea and fetching the ball that the guy was throwing for it. After a particularly enthusiastic throw, the couple realise slowly that Rover is swimming toward them but not getting any closer. Poor Rover is caught in a current and he can't get back. The couple are going frantic as they watch him getting more and more tired. A crowd of worried onlookers soon gathers, no one is doing anything and Rover's head keeps bobbing dangerously under the water. The guy has shouted himself hoarse and the woman is in tears by now. Suddenly, a German tourist starts sprinting down the beach like a tornado on speed. He is flinging clothes aside as he goes and shouting "Out of my vay! Out of my vay!" in a strong commanding voice. The crowd parts to let him through and he dives like an Olympic swimmer straight into the sea. The German then powers his way through the waves and grabs our hapless hound as the poor mutt was going down for the last time. Then, dog under one arm, against the current our Germanic hero swims back to the shore and lays Rover down on the beach, the dog is not breathing. The German is not done yet, he starts CPR on the dog. After a couple of tense minutes of compressions and blowing air into the dog's nose, Rover leaps up, coughs up a load of seawater and trots back to its elated owners. The crown cheers and the German slumps onto the sand, exhausted. The woman comes to his side and, still fighting back tears tries to find the words to thank him. "Thank you, thank you, I don't know what to say, how did you know how to do that? What are you, a Vet?" "Ya" replies the German, panting "I'm f*cking soaking!"
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