
Going to Chicago

There was a blond that sat down in first class of an airplane going to Chicago. A stewardess came over and told her that she needed to move back to coach because this was someone else's seat. She said "I'm blond, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Chicago first class." Well the stewardess didn't know what to do so she went and got the head stewardess and told her what happened. So the head stewardess goes over the the blond and says that she needs to move back to her seat in coach. The blond replies "I'm blond, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Chicago first class" Well neither stewardess knew what to do so they went and got the captain. He tells the blond that she needs to go back to her seat in coach. She tells him "I'm blond, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Chicago first class" The captain leans down and whispers something in her ear and she jumps up and runs back to coach. The stewardess' ask him what he told her to finally get her to move. He says "First class isn't going to Chicago"
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