
Two Missionaries

Two missionaries were traveling through the jungle in search of converts to their religion when they were set upon by a band of native warriors. They were taken back to the village and put before the Chief. The Chief, angry at the missionaries, gives them the choice of DEATH or BUNGA - BUNGA. The younger missionary, not wanting to die, decides he will choose BUNGA - BUNGA. He is taken to the center of the village and bent over a large barrel, after which all of the warriors take turns Sodomizing him. After the warriors were satisfied with him, he was let go. Mean while the older missionary was brought before the Chief. "DEATH or BUNGA - BUNGA" bellowed the Chief, "What will it be?" After seeing what happened to his younger companion, he said, " You savages can screw yourselves. I will take DEATH!!!" "Fine" says the Chief. "It will be DEATH by BUNGA - BUNGA..."
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