
Biker in the zoo

A biker was passing by the Central Park Zoo when he saw a little girl leaning into the lion cage. Suddenly, one of the lions grabbed her by the cuff of her jacket and tried to pull her inside as her mother stood by, screaming for help. The biker jumped off his bike, ran to the cage and hit the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering, the lion jumped back, letting go of the girl, and the biker brought her to her terrified mother, who cried and thanked him endlessly. A FoxNews correspondent saw the whole thing and said “Sir, this is the most gallant thing I’ve ever seen.” The biker replied, “Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as necessary.” The reporter said, “Well, I’m a Fox News correspondent and tonight this will be the lead story. Tell me something about yourself. Who are you, what do you do for a living and what political party do you support?” The biker replied, “I’m Robert Delahunt, a US Marine and a Democrat.” That evening the marine tuned into Fox News to see if the story would be aired. The Fox talking head opened the broadcast with: “And in tonight‘s top news, today a US Marine assaulted an African immigrant in Central Park and stole his lunch.”
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